

Lowongan LKPP [STAF PENDUKUNG AUDITOR PERTAMA INSPEKTORAT] April 2019 - Lembaga Kebijakan Pengadaan Barang/Jasa Pemerintah (LKPP) is a Lembaga Pemerintah Nonkementerian (LPNK) which is under and is responsible to the President of the Republic of Indonesia. LKPP was formed through the Republic of Indonesia Presidential Regulation Number 106 of 2007 concerning the Government Agency for Goods/Services Development Policy. The first head of LKPP was held by Dr. Ir. Roestam Sjarief, MNRM, was replaced by Ir. Agus Rahardjo, M.S.M. in 2010 (previously served as the Main Secretary of LKPP) then replaced by Dr. Ir. Agus Prabowo, M.Eng in 2015 who previously served as Deputy of LKPP Human Resources Development/Development/Staffing. Lowongan LKPP [STAF PENDUKUNG AUDITOR PERTAMA INSPEKTORAT] April 2019

Lembaga Kebijakan Pengadaan Barang/Jasa Pemerintah (LKPP) grew out of its foundation, Pusat Pengembangan Kebijakan Pengadaan Barang/Jasa Publik (PPKPBJ) which was formed in 2005. As an Echelon II work unit in the State Ministry of National Development Planning/Bappenas, PPKPBJ has the task of policy making and regulations on government procurement of goods/services, providing technical guidance and advocacy related to the implementation of government goods/services procurement, and facilitating the implementation of certification examinations for government procurement of goods/services.

As the reforms are rolling out in Indonesia, there is hope that the procurement of government goods/Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Negara/Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Daerah (APBN/APBD) can be implemented more effectively and efficiently, prioritizing the application of sound business competition principles. , transparent, open, and fair for all parties. In addition to the broad scope and scope of government procurement of goods/services, which are cross-institutional and cross-sectoral in nature, it also has a direct impact on the development of small businesses, increased domestic production, and the development of climate and business in general.
LKPP Karir, lowongan lkpp 2019

In order to strengthen its business fundamentals, Lembaga Kebijakan Pengadaan Barang/Jasa Pemerintah (LKPP) currently seeking an exceptional individual to fill the following positions

General Requirements
  •      Man Woman;
  •      Maximum age limit of 30 years;
  •      Minimum education background for S1 Accounting Economics;
  •      Have a minimum GPA of 3.00;
  •      Preferably have experience in a Public Accountant office of at least 1 (one) year;
  •      Mastering Ms. applications Office and Internet;
  •      Have high integrity and work motivation;
  •      Have a desire to develop themselves;
  •      Able to communicate well;
  •      Able to work independently or in teams.
For further information at Lowongan LKPP [STAF PENDUKUNG AUDITOR PERTAMA INSPEKTORAT] April 2019, please refer official source from LKPP Karir and recruitment on following link below. Should you meet the qualifications required, please register and apply to LKPP Karir website with link as follow


Closing Date 28 April 2019

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